
英語でニッポンをフカボリ! DID YOU KNOW…?『うがい・手洗い』


まずはKey Words & Phrasesから。


prevent a cold(風邪を防ぐ)
preventive measure(予防対策) 
sanitary survey(衛生検査・清潔検査)
sanitary goods(衛生用品)
sanitizing wipes(ウェットティッシュ・除菌シート)


highly aware of(意識が高い)
in addition to (~に加えて)
as an examle(一例として)
A and/or B(AとBの両方、またはいずれか一方)
come on(《風邪などの症状が》出てくる)
accustomed to(~が習慣になっている・慣れている)
encouraged to(~することが推奨されている)
apart from(~はさておき)


Did you know people in Japan commonly gargle and wash hands to prevent a cold?

・The cleanliness of the Japanese is known worldwide, but in addition to that, the majority of the people are highly aware of prevention against disease and illness.
・As an example, many people in Japan habitually gargle and wash their hands to keep clean, a preventive measure for cold and flu viruses.
・The people practice gargling and/or handwashing after using the bathroom, cleaning up the room, when returning from outside, and feeling a cold coming on.
・Japanese people consider cleanliness as an etiquette, to prevent spreading a cold to others.

3 Questions for Digging Deeper! 《 もっと掘り下げてみよう! 》

1. Why are people in Japan accustomed to such habits?

Japanese children are encouraged to gargle and wash hands not only at home but also in schools. Pupils are taught to gargle and/or wash their hands several times a day, before lunch, after bathroom breaks and cleaning the classroom.

In addition to that, there’s a sanitary survey in many elementary schools to promote and maintain good health. The survey includes checking if students carry a handkerchief and package of tissue, brush teeth after eating and their fingernails clipped short. It probably contributes to raise awareness of health and cleanliness.

2. Are there any other habits to keep clean?

Probably, taking off shoes indoors would be one good example of keeping things clean. Besides, apart from habits, sanitary goods, such as sanitizing wipes are quite popular and commonly used.

3. Why do Japanese people love cleanliness?

One of the reasons could be the fact that Japan is rich in water resources. Thanks to abundant water, gargling, washing hands and taking bath frequently are much easier compared to other countries. On the other hand, Japanese people have to be careful with cleanliness as we have a rainy season when bacterias easily develop and illness spreads.



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