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Cyndy Casino講師の自己紹介

大学で英語教育学を専攻して教員資格を取得し、英語講師として経験を積んできたCyndy Casino(シンディ カシーニョ)講師が自己紹介します。





It’s been almost 10 years since I got my degree in Secondary Education from a state university here in the Philippines. I got my professional teaching license just several months after my graduation. But aside from my internship during my senior year in college, I’ve never really applied at a public school here in my country. I knew even back when I was just an intern that I was not cut out for classroom teaching, even if most of my mentors were telling me I’m doing just fine.

But when I started working, I still gave classroom teaching a shot to prove to my family that I am not simply throwing my license away. After quitting from my call center job at an American company, I taught and lived with Korean students (at their dormitory) for their summer and winter camp here in the Philippines. I also went abroad to work as a foreign teacher for Chinese students. I have learned a lot from my classroom teaching experiences, however, I still found myself craving for a less traditional way of teaching students. That’s how I came to love distance learning. I was amazed by the fact that modern technology has found a way for me to share what I know to people from different countries without leaving my own country.

I also believe that when you are imparting your knowledge, you have to give your full or undivided attention to your student. Learners respond better when they feel special – when they feel that the lessons are structured and tailored to fit their capabilities. This is what online ESL teaching is all about. I specialize in improving the accent and pronunciation, as well as the comprehension skills of my students since these are the primary skills that adult learners need in order to conduct business with English speaking countries.

After having a chance to mentor students from different age range and different nationalities, I have learned that being an online English instructor is just as noble as any other job. I have jumped from a few companies after another before I found my way here at BBT Online Global Inc., and I am proud to say that this is probably one of the coolest decisions I have made so far.

Having an opportunity to work here means I can continue doing what I love and what I do best. That reminds me of one of my favorite life quotes “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life!”


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