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Confessions of a Closet Canmake Tokyo Fan

今日はLiz講師が、フィリピンで日本のコスメブランド「Canmake Tokyo(キャンメイク)」の商品を独占販売している小川幸恵さんとキャンメイクについてご紹介します。



Confessions of a Closet Canmake Tokyo Fan

By Liz Agawa

It has been almost a year since I met the CEO of Canmake Tokyo (Phils.), Ms. Sachie Ogawa, but I still remember her and the cute skincare/cosmetics line she represents, Canmake Tokyo, as though it were only last week.

One of my close friends and current mentor, chef and artist Tina Cabrera, was then working as her marketing consultant. Tina had invited me to one of their make-up “gyaru talks” (girl talks) which were partly to promote Canmake’s “kawaii-girl” philosophy as well as for Ms. Sachie to know how Filipinas feel about make-up.

As the seminar continued, I found out that Ms. Sachie used to be a professional cabin attendant who later realized that it would be good for her to explore entrepreneurship. That realization brought her to procure a franchise from Canmake Tokyo, Japan. And, since she liked the Philippines a lot, she was happy to introduce the rejuvenating skincare/cosmetics line to Manila.

Yet despite her position in the company, Ms. Sachie graciously received me and my friends to her office’s receiving area which was very tastefully decorated by my friend Tina. Ms. Sachie listened attentively to us as Tina asked us questions as to what type of make-up and pricing we were comfortable with. The highlight of the talk was when Ms. Sachie gave us a make-over at the end of the session, showing us how Japanese women meticulously take care of their skin. Tina’s and Ms. Sachie’s friendliness and attention to detail at the talk made us appreciate Japan all the more.

Thanks to Ms. Sachie Ogawa’s story of entrepreneurship and the uniqueness of the products she represents, as well as to Tina Cabrera’s great personality and professionalism, I likewise introduce other people now to the simple elegance of Canmake Tokyo!


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