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Berna Agsalon講師の自己紹介

教育界で約30年もの経験を持つ大ベテランのBerna Agsalon(バーナ アグサロン)講師が自己紹介します。




By Berna Agsalon

I never thought that being a daughter of a mining man would be one of the greatest blessings in my life on earth. Why? Well, because all through my life, the “gold nuggets of wisdom” that I learned from the cradle, coupled with simple yet unusual work experiences, shaped who I am today. And who I am today is plain and simple, a happy person.

I am Berna. Private-schooled throughout my elementary and high school years, English became second nature to me as it was more the language used in my schools and at home rather than our own Tagalog. In college, I was very privileged to have finished my Bachelor of Science in Home Economics degree from our premier state university, the University of the Philippines in Diliman.

For the past thirty or so years, I worked in almost all areas of education – from teaching to tutoring, to event management and college coordinating, to marketing international schools locally and being a resource person in adult training, and finally, to being a board member of a small private school. Nowadays, the great joy and fulfillment for me is helping people achieve their full potential as I’d like to think that I achieved mine.

As my father always says, “You will never find true gold or the perfect diamond on the surface, it is always hidden underneath. You have to dig, to pan (for gold), to cut, and generally to work very hard every day, until you bring out the gold’s glowing shine and the diamond’s brilliant sparkle.” Let us work hard yet have fun together while you learn English. Ultimately, let the English language be the gold that glows in your work and the diamond that sparkles in your life.


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