
Londonerへのインタビュー:Global Communicationについて



今なお試行錯誤しながら日々グローバルコミュニケーションを実践している最中であります。そんな折、ふと疑問に思ったことは、世界の縮図といっても過言ではないMulticultural CityであるLondonで生まれ育ったLondonerにとってグローバルコミュニケーションとは何なのか、Londonerはどのようにグローバル・コミュニケーションを意識し、実践しているのか、ということです。

Junko: 自己紹介をお願いいたします。

Bruce: My name is Bruce. I was born and grew up in London. I studied English literature at university, and later did a masters’ in linguistics. I currently work in the creative industries. Previously I also spent a couple of years in Japan teaching English.
I enjoy reading in my spare time. Recently I finished a novel by Yu Miri.

Junko: BBTオンライン英会話は「グローバルコミュニケーション力」を「グローバルなビジネスシーンにおいて、語学としての英語力ということだけではなく、文化・慣習・知識の違いを理解したうえで 『意思・思考・感情の伝達』を重視したコミュニケーションができる力」と定義しています。

Bruce: I feel that listening to people with an open, non-judgmental mindset is key. Rather than focusing on what you yourself want to say, place the emphasis on the person or people you are communicating with.

Junko: 自分自身をopen, non-judgmental mindsetの状態にするというのはなかなか難しいことだと思うのですが、具体的にはどのように実践されていますか。

Bruce: Cultivating one’s curiosity can help. Ask questions and listen to the other person’s experiences. Develop your emotional intelligence and empathic listening skills. Try looking for points of shared interest or contact, while also being respectful of people’s individual experiences.

Junko: 英語(母国語)以外の言語を使う際に工夫していることはありますか。

Bruce: My first language is English, but I can also speak some Chinese and French, as well as Japanese. As I was exposed to multi-lingual environments from a young age, perhaps I am used to switching between languages more easily. I also think that when using a second language, it’s better to avoid translating in your head from your mother tongue, and instead look to communicate directly in the target language.

Junko: 英語(母国語)以外の言語でコミュニケーションする際に意識していることはありますか。

Bruce: Don’t focus only on the words. Think about how you can use your whole body to communicate. Gestures are important too. When learning a new language, I sometimes practice dialogue from films or TV shows. Even if I don’t understand the meaning, I will repeat lines and the accompanying gestures. Later I will try to incorporate these phrases and gestures into conversation and work on better understanding them.

Junko: 日本では、単語帳やテキストを利用して他言語を学ぶ機会が多いのですが、そのような方法で学ぶことはありますか。

Bruce: I don’t really use textbooks, as I find them a little boring. Plus, they don’t give you a sense of how language is used in real life situations.

Junko: 英語(母国語)と英語(母国語)以外でコミュニケーションするときとで、コミュニケーションの仕方は変えていますか。

Bruce: I look to focus on the individual(s) I’m communicating with, rather thinking in generalisations.

Junko: 日本での生活経験を踏まえて、日本人のグローバルコミュニケーションについてご意見をお聞かせいただけますか。

Bruce: I feel many Japanese people I met while living in Japan are interested in global communication and culture. They were looking for opportunities to meet and speak with people from other places, but sometimes found them few and far between. As a foreigner in Japan, who had very basic language skills to begin with, I also found it challenging to meet Japanese people! I was able to make friends online and at language school, as well as talking with strangers in bars.
Generally, I had fantastic experiences with people I met. However, sometimes I felt people I met were more interested in me just as a foreigner, rather than as an individual person. Of course, I think this can apply to people from anywhere, and not only Japan.

Junko: 日本人のグローバルコミュニケーション力の向上に必要なものは何だと思われますか。

Bruce: Rather than thinking in general terms or stereotypes, get to know the unique individual. For example, I was once at a business dinner hosted by a Japanese executive. When it came to ordering, I heard him say to his assistant, ‘Because they’re English, they can’t eat sashimi, right?’ so he didn’t order any. But I love sashimi, and would have preferred him not to have made assumptions like that and instead asked us directly.

Junko: 最後に、グローバルに活躍したい方にメッセージをお願いします。

Bruce: Go for it! Try not to worry too much about mistakes, for example getting a word or some grammar wrong. I feel attitude and non-verbal gestures can help set a good atmosphere for communicating, meaning that any errors when speaking don’t matter so much.






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