


I put a magazine on the shelf. (雑誌を本棚に置く)

put in(中に入れる/取り付ける/費やす)

I have to put in some contacts. (私はコンタクトレンズを入れなければならない)
I want to put an air conditioner in my room. (部屋にエアコンを取り付けたい)
He put in an hour on his studies. (彼は勉強を1時間した)

put out(消す/追い出す/生み出す)

Could you please put out your cigarette? (タバコを消していただけませんか?)
Please put the garbage bin out. (ゴミ箱を出してください)
That company put out an advertisement for jobs. (その会社は求人広告を出した)

put on(着る/装う/からかう)

Put your shoes on/ Put on your shoes. (靴を履いて)
I don’t put on makeup every day. (私は毎日お化粧をしない)
Don’t put me on! (からかわないで!)

put off(延期する/うんざりする)

My friend’s wedding was put off. (友だちの結婚式は延期された)
Her strong perfume always puts me off.(彼女の香水にいつもうんざりさせられる)

put up(建てる/飾る/宿泊させる)

We should put up a fence. (フェンスを設けるべきだ)
Children put up Christmas decorations. (子どもたちはクリスマスの飾りを飾った)
Could you put me up for this weekend? (今週末、泊めていただけませんか?)

put down(下に置く/書き留める/けなす)

The prices were put down. (値段が下げられた)
She put down her thoughts in her notebook. (彼女は自分の考えをノートに書き留めた)
She often put down her husband in front of her friends. (彼女はよく友だちの前で旦那さんの悪口を言った)

put away(片付ける/蓄える)

Put away your clothes! (洋服を片付けなさい!)
I have to start putting some money away for my next trip to Spain. (次のスペイン旅行のためにお金をため始めなければならない)

put back(元に戻す/遅らせる)

Put the dictionary back to where it was. (辞書を元のところに戻しておきなさい)
They put the meeting back to next week. (彼らは会議を来週まで延期した)

put together(まとめる/組み立てる)

Our opinions are not put together. (意見がまとまらない)
He put together a model plane. (彼は模型の飛行機を組み立てた)

put aside(わきへやる/無視する)

I tried to put his troubles aside. (悩みごとを考えないようにした)
Put your study aside and relax a little. (勉強のことは忘れて、少しくつろいでね)


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