



Key Words & Phrases


・Japanese castle(城)
・defend against(~に対し防御する)
・castle tower / donjon / castle keep(天守閣)
・stone wall(石垣) 
・ruined castle / castle ruin(城跡)
・constructed of wood / built of wood(木造の)
・castle wall(城壁)


・the third largest (3番目に大きな・広大な)
・in terms of(~に関しては・~の点では)
・surrounded by(~に囲まれている)
・remarkable aspect(注目すべき特徴・側面)
・apart from(~は別として・~はさておき)
・protect ~ from…(~を・・・から守る)
・world heritage(世界遺産) 


What’s Shiro? (城って何?)

・The word “Shiro” refers to a Japanese castle.
・It is said that some of the oldest castles in Japan were built around 7th century in Kyushu island to defend against invasion from overseas. By the way, Kyushu is the third largest island located in the southwest of the main island of Japan.
・In terms of the number of castles, there used to be more than 25,000 of them in Japan. However, there are only 200 castles remaining today including the ruined ones, and just 12 of them have existing castles towers.

What’s special about Japanese castles? (日本の城の特徴って?)

・The Japanese castle towers are usually three to five stories high, built on stone walls. Probably one of the most remarkable aspects is that they are constructed of wood apart from the stone walls.
・Another unique aspect is that the castle walls were usually covered with white plaster to protect castles from humidity and fire. 
・Furthermore, it is characteristic that Japanese castles are surrounded by moat. It was built to protect the castle from attack or invasion.

Which castle is the largest in Japan? (日本で一番大きなお城は?)

・Largest castle in Japan is Himeji Castle located in Hyogo, which is in the west region of the main island of Japan.
・In 1993, the castle was registered as one of the first Unesco world heritage in Japan.
・Himeji Castle is also a popular cherry blossom spot during the blooming season.





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