



Key Words & Phrases


・edible wild plants / wild vegetables(山菜) 
・grow naturally / grow wild(自生する・野生の)
・hijiki / hijiki seaweed(ひじき)
・bamboo shoot(タケノコ)
・plain taste(淡泊な味)
・crunchy texture / texture of crunchiness(シャキシャキとした食感)
・butterbur sprout / butterbur flower stalk(フキノトウ)
・unique bitterness and flavor(独特な苦味と香り)
・harsh taste / acridity / acrid taste(えぐ味・渋み・辛味)
・wild vegetable picking(山菜採り) 


・collective term(総称)
・such as(~のような・例えば~などの)
・considered as(~と見なされている) 
・variety of (さまざまな・種類豊富な)
・from spring through early summer(春から初夏にかけて)
・it is said that(~と言われている) 
・since ancient times(古代から)
・as proof of ~(~の証拠として)
・many kinds of(さまざまな・いろいろな)
・for pleasure / for enjoyment(楽しみのために)
・eat ~ raw(~を生で食べる)
・soak in water(水に浸す)
・grocery store(食料品店)


What’s Sansai?(山菜って何?)

・Sansai is a collective term for edible wild plants that grow in mountains or fields.
・Some of the wild plants grown at seashore such as Hijiki seaweed are also considered as Sansai.
・A variety of seasonal edible wild plants can be enjoyed from spring through early summer in Japan.
・It is said that the custom of eating Sansai in Japan has been going on since ancient times. As proof of that, many kinds of Sansai are described in the Manyoshu, the oldest collection of Japanese poems.

What kind of Sansai do you eat in spring?(春はどんな山菜が食べられるの?)

・For example, bamboo shoots, the edible sprout of bamboos, are typical wild plants of spring. They have a plain taste and crunchy texture.
・Butterbur sprouts are one of the most popular wild plants of spring. They have a unique bitterness and flavor.

How do you get and eat Sansai?(山菜の入手方法は?どうやって食べるの?)

・Some people pick Sansai from the mountain for enjoyment and cook them by themselves.
・They can be boiled, deep-fried and some of them can be eaten raw. For example, bamboo shoots taste great if they are grilled or simmered. 
・Most wild plants have a strong acridity and it is better to take out the harsh taste before cooking by boiling or soaking them in water.
・Pre-cooked and packed Sansai are available at grocery stores or supermarkets, so you can easily get them and enjoy eating.




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