



Key Words & Phrases


・cherry-blossom viewing / flower-viewing / Hanami(花見)
・cherry blossom(桜の花)
・blossom party / Hanami party(お花見パーティー)
・full bloom(満開)
・plum blossom(梅の花)
・cherry blossoms at night(夜桜)
・light up cherry blossoms(桜をライトアップする)


・traditional custom(伝統的な習慣) 
・take place(行われる・起こる)
・across the country(全国で)
・it is believed that (~らしい・と信じられている)
・the imperial family(皇族)
・refer to(~のことを指す)
・along with(~と共に・併せて)
・with the passage of time(時が経つにつれて)
・become popular(人気になる・普及する)
・common people(庶民)


What is Hanami? (花見って何?)

・Hanami literally means “flower-viewing” and it is a Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers with celebrating the arrival of spring.
・Hanami takes place across the country when cherry blossoms bloom around late March to early April.
・It is one of the most popular traditions in Japan and many people look forward to go out to enjoy Hanami.

What is the origin of Hanami? (花見の起源は?)

・It is believed that the tradition of Hanami started around the 8th century among the imperial family.
・Initially, the flower for Hanami referred to plum blossoms, and the members of the imperial family enjoyed making poems along with flower-viewing.
・With the passage of time, cherry blossoms started to become popular and the event of Hanami gradually spread among the common people.

What’s the best way to enjoy Hanami?(花見を楽しむ最善の方法は?)

・There are various ways to enjoy Hanami, but probably the most popular way is to have a blossom party. Many people get together with their family, friends and co-workers for a Hanami party under cherry trees in a park or beside a river.
・It is also nice to just stroll and enjoy cherry blossoms in full bloom.
・Some people say that the best time is when the petals start to fall down. It makes a wonderful scene of falling snow.
・I enjoy cherry blossoms at night. Major cherry blossom viewing spots are usually lit up at night and it is a magical beauty.

「満開」は“in full bloom”、「三分咲き」「五分咲き」はそれぞれ “one-third in bloom” “half in bloom”と言い表すことができます。



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